We believe that the body is a temple which needs strong foundations, a beautiful interior and a great atmosphere. That is why we make sure that 3F GYM members can take care of every aspect of their body, from various forms of exercises, through healthy food and supplementation, to relaxation and presence in a great community. So that not only their bodies, but also every aspect of their lives, could be in perfect shape and proper balance.
When designing the logo, we wanted to convey the meaning of what athletes face every day. That is why we have chosen the symbolism of the triangle, which symbolizes three human aspects: body, mind and soul. We believe that the harmony and balance of these three aspects leads to outstanding results in sport and in personal life.
The triangle also symbolizes being grounded on its broad base and facing heaven through its top. This is also how we see the daily work of athletes who build their body and fortitude with their determination and courage, but also with strong faith.
We have created four zones, and in each of them we have proposed a different type of equipment, so that 3F GYM members have the opportunity to undertake equal forms of physical exercise in one place.